零线翻译成英文是什么?如何操作? What is the translation of "零线" into English? How to operate with it?,电工知识网为你解答如下:

零线翻译成英文是什么?如何操作? What is the translation of


"零线" 可以翻译为 "neutral wire"。


1. 先将电源关闭,确保没有电流通过电路。这是极其重要的安全措施。

2. 使用绝缘工具,将电路中的零线松开或拧下(具体取决于连接方式)。确保在操作之前检查电路图并确保正确的零线。

3. 一旦零线被移除,可以进行维修、更换或其他必要的操作。

4. 完成操作后,将零线正确地重新连接到电路中,并确保连接稳固。

5. 最后,确保电路和设备得到适当的测试和审查,以确保安全操作。


What is the translation of "零线" into English? How to operate with it?

The translation of "零线" into English is "neutral wire". The neutral wire is an essential component of electrical circuits that carries the current back from the electrical load to the source. It is typically color-coded as white or gray.

When operating with the neutral wire, it is important to follow basic safety measures such as turning off the power supply before handling any electrical wiring. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

1. Identification: Make sure to correctly identify the neutral wire by checking its color or consulting electrical diagrams or manuals.

2. Wiring: The neutral wire should be properly connected to the corresponding neutral terminal or bus in the electrical panel or distribution board. It is essential for the safe and effective functioning of electrical devices.

3. Insulation: Ensure that the neutral wire is adequately insulated and protected throughout its length. It should not come into contact with other conductive materials or objects to prevent electrical hazards.

4. Evaluation: Regularly inspect and evaluate the condition of the neutral wire for any signs of damage, such as fraying, cracking, or overheating. Replace or repair any faulty wiring promptly.

Always remember that electrical work should be performed by qualified professionals with proper training and knowledge to ensure safety and compliance with relevant codes and regulations.

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